Summarised simulation results - regression coefficients
Variable for which a regression coefficient is being estimated, for example "X.1" corresponds to the cause-specific effect of X on event 1 (Relapse)
Number of imputed datasets
Method indicator, please refer to manuscript for abbreviations used
True data-generating value for regression coefficient
Number label for scenario
Sample size in simulated datasets
Estimated regression coefficient
Estimate model standard error (SE) for regression coefficient
Monte carlo standard error for model SE
Empirical SE
Number of warnings across all simulations of a particular scenario, for a coefficient. Generally corresponds to number of smcfcs rejection sampling failures.
Monte carlo error of bias
Monte carlo error of coverage
Proportion of missing values in X
Data-generating ffect of X on event 1
Missingness mechanism
Measurement level of X
Correlation between X and Z
Strength of missingness mechanism for non-MCAR scenarios
Shapes of baseline hazard for competing events, either "similar" or "different"