This file contains R code for the analyses in Chapter 1 of the book Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis (CRC Chapman & Hall) by Hans C. van Houwelingen and Hein Putter
R code written by Hein Putter ( for comments/questions) The dynpred package is available from CRAN
Consistency with the book has been checked with - R version 2.14.0 - survival version 2.36-10 - dynpred version 0.1.1
Figure 1.1: Probability of death or relapse within the next 5 years in Data Set 6 (ALL)
require(dynpred)data(ALL)year <-365.25# Define relapse-free survival as the earliest of relapse and death# Time to relapse (rel) and time to death (srv) are in days# RFS will be in yearsALL$rfs <-pmin(ALL$rel,ALL$srv)/yearALL$rfs.s <-pmax(ALL$rel.s,ALL$srv.s)# The function Fwindow (from dynpred) is used; it takes a survfit# objectc0 <-coxph(Surv(rfs,rfs.s) ~1, data=ALL, method="breslow")sf0 <-survfit(c0)Fw <-Fwindow(sf0,5)# Plot first 10 yearsFw <- Fw[Fw$time<=10,]plot(Fw$time,Fw$Fw,type="s",ylim=c(0,max(Fw$up)),xlab="Years surviving",ylab="Probability of dying within window",lwd=2)lines(Fw$time,Fw$low,type="s",lty=3)lines(Fw$time,Fw$up,type="s",lty=3)
Figure 1.2: Probability of dying within the next 4 years in Data Set 2 (CML data)
data(wbc1)c0 <-coxph(Surv(tyears, d) ~1, data = wbc1, method="breslow")sf0 <-survfit(c0)Fw <-Fwindow(sf0,4)# Plot first 4 yearsFw <- Fw[Fw$time<=4,]plot(Fw$time,Fw$Fw,type="s",ylim=c(0,max(Fw$up)),xlab="Years surviving",ylab="Probability of dying within window",lwd=2)lines(Fw$time,Fw$low,type="s",lty=3)lines(Fw$time,Fw$up,type="s",lty=3)
Figure 1.3 (data unfortunately not available)
library(foreign)d1d2 <-read.spss("D1d2.sav", <-casefold(names(d1d2))d1d2 <- d1d2[d1d2$instud=="curative",]d1d2 <- d1d2[,c(4,5,11,12,22,27,31,34,38,46:49,51,59,71,72,86,88,90,91)]d1d2$patid <-row.names(d1d2)d1d2$status <-as.numeric(d1d2$status)-2# Separately for D1 vs D2-dissectionc1 <-coxph(Surv(survyo, status) ~1, data=d1d2, subset=(randgr=="D1"), method="breslow")sf1 <-survfit(c1)Fw1 <-Fwindow(sf1,4,variance=FALSE)c2 <-coxph(Surv(survyo, status) ~1, data=d1d2, subset=(randgr=="D2"), method="breslow")sf2 <-survfit(c2)Fw2 <-Fwindow(sf2,4,variance=FALSE)# Plot first 6 yearsFw1 <- Fw1[Fw1$time<=6,]Fw2 <- Fw2[Fw2$time<=6,]plot(Fw1$time,Fw1$Fw,type="s",ylim=c(0,max(c(Fw1$Fw,Fw2$Fw))),xlab="Years surviving",ylab="Probability of dying within window",lwd=2)lines(Fw2$time,Fw2$Fw,type="s",lwd=2,col=8)legend("topright",c("D1","D2"),lwd=2,col=c(1,8),bty="n")