6  Non-proportional hazards models

This file contains R code for the analyses in Chapter 6 of the book Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis (CRC Chapman & Hall) by Hans C. van Houwelingen and Hein Putter

R code written by Hein Putter (H.Putter@lumc.nl for comments/questions) The dynpred package is available from CRAN

Consistency with the book has been checked with - R version 2.14.0 - survival version 2.36-10 - dynpred version 0.1.1

### Cox model with time-varying coefficients

# Ed: because of timefix
#coxph <- function(...) survival::coxph(..., control = coxph.control(timefix = FALSE))

data(ova, package="dynpred") # to aviod confusion with ova in package coxvc
ova$id <- 1:nrow(ova)

tt <- ova$tyears[ova$d==1]
tt <- sort(unique(tt))

# Cox model with time-fixed coefficients (see also Chapter 3)
cfixed <- coxph(Surv(tyears, d) ~ FIGO + Diam + Broders + Ascites + Karn,
  data = ova)

# Prepare data for Cox regression analysis with time-varying coefficients
ova2 <- survSplit(data=ova, cut=tt, end="tyears", start="Tstart", event="d")

# The same Cox model is obtained in the longer data set ova2
cfixed <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~ FIGO + Diam + Broders + Ascites + Karn,
  data = ova2)
ova2$lnt <- log(ova2$tyears+1)
ctime <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    FIGO + Diam + Broders + Ascites + Karn +
    FIGO:lnt + Diam:lnt + Broders:lnt + Ascites:lnt + Karn:lnt, data = ova2)
loglik.fixed <- cfixed$loglik[2]
loglik.timefull <- ctime$loglik[2]

### Figure 6.2: The time-varying prognostic indices Z(t) for each of the
### patients in the ovarian cancer data

# First center
mm <- model.matrix(Surv(tyears, d) ~ FIGO + Diam + Broders + Ascites + Karn,
  data = ova)[,-1]
mm <- mm - matrix(apply(mm,2,mean),nrow(mm),ncol(mm),byrow=TRUE)
tseq <- seq(0,6,by=0.05)
nseq <- length(tseq)
ov <- cbind(ova[,-(3:7)],mm)
ov <- as.data.frame(ov)
ov2 <- survSplit(data=ov, cut=tt, end="tyears", start="Tstart", event="d")
ov2$lnt <- log(ov2$tyears+1)

# This gives the same model as ctime above
ctime <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    FIGOIV + Diam.1cm + Diam1.2cm + Diam2.5cm + Diam.5cm +
    Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Karn +
    FIGOIV:lnt + Diam.1cm:lnt + Diam1.2cm:lnt + Diam2.5cm:lnt + Diam.5cm:lnt +
    Broders2:lnt + Broders3:lnt + Broders4:lnt + Brodersunknown:lnt +
    Ascitespresent:lnt + Ascitesunknown:lnt + Karn:lnt, data = ov2)

zfixed <- as.numeric(matrix(cfixed$coef,1,12) %*% t(mm))
z1 <- as.numeric(matrix(ctime$coef[1:12],1,12) %*% t(mm))
z2 <- as.numeric(matrix(ctime$coef[13:24],1,12) %*% t(mm))
z <- outer(z2,log(tseq+1),"*")
z <- z + matrix(z1,nrow(z),ncol(z))

oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) # save graphical parameters
layout(matrix(c(1,2),1,2,byrow=TRUE), widths=c(3,1))
plot(tseq,z[1,],type="l",ylim=c(-3,3),xlab="Time in years",ylab="Prognostic index",col=8,lwd=0.5)
for (i in 2:nrow(z)) lines(tseq,z[i,],type="l",lwd=0.5,col=8)
yhist <- hist(zfixed, breaks=seq(-3,3,0.25), plot=FALSE)
top <- max(yhist$counts)
barplot(yhist$counts, axes=FALSE, xlim=c(0, top), space=0, horiz=TRUE)
par(oldpar) # reset graphical parameters

# Step-wise procedure
# Step 1
ctime1 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam +
    Karn:lnt, data = ova2)
ctime1 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam +
    Broders:lnt, data = ova2)
ctime1 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam +
    FIGO:lnt, data = ova2)
ctime1 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam +
    Ascites:lnt, data = ova2)
ctime1 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam +
    Diam:lnt, data = ova2)
# Karn selected
ctime1 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam +
    Karn:lnt, data = ova2)
loglik.time1 <- ctime1$loglik[2]

# Step 2
ctime2 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam +
    Karn:lnt + Broders:lnt, data = ova2)
ctime2 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam +
    Karn:lnt + FIGO:lnt, data = ova2)
ctime2 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam +
    Karn:lnt + Ascites:lnt, data = ova2)
ctime2 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam +
    Karn:lnt + Diam:lnt, data = ova2)

tseq <- seq(0,6,by=0.05)
bseq <- matrix(NA,length(tseq),12)
for (j in 1:12) {
    bseq[,j] <- ctime$coef[j] + log(tseq+1)*ctime$coef[j+12]

### Figure 6.1: The time-varying coefficients of the model of Table 6.1

nms <- c("FIGO IV","Diameter <1 cm","Diameter 1-2 cm","Diameter 2-5 cm",
  "Diameter >5 cm","Broders 2","Broders 3","Broders 4","Broders unknown",
  "Ascites present","Ascites unknown","Karnofsky")
vdist <- hdist <- 0.2
ltys <- c(1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,2)
ylim <- range(bseq)
ylim[2] <- ylim[2]+0.2
layout(matrix(1:4, 2, 2, byrow=TRUE),widths=c(10,10),heights=c(10,10))
# topleft; KARN and FIGO (1 and 6)
wh <- c(1,12)
par(mar= c(vdist, 4, 3, hdist))
plot(tseq,bseq[,1],type="n",ylim=ylim,xlab="",ylab="Regression coefficient",
for (j in wh) lines(tseq,bseq[,j],type="l",lwd=2,lty=ltys[j])
axis(2); axis(3); box()
# topright; Broders (6-9)
wh <- 6:9
par(mar= c(vdist, hdist, 3, 4))
for (j in wh) lines(tseq,bseq[,j],type="l",lwd=2,lty=ltys[j])
axis(3); axis(4); box()
# bottomleft; Diameter (2-5)
wh <- 2:5
par(mar= c(5, 4, vdist, hdist))
plot(tseq,bseq[,1],type="n",ylim=ylim,xlab="Time (years)",
  ylab="Regression coefficient",axes=FALSE)
for (j in wh) lines(tseq,bseq[,j],type="l",lwd=2,lty=ltys[j])
axis(1); axis(2); box()
# bottomright; Ascites (10-11)
wh <- 10:11
par(mar= c(5, hdist, vdist, 4))
plot(tseq,bseq[,1],type="n",ylim=ylim,xlab="Time (years)",ylab="",axes=FALSE)
for (j in wh) lines(tseq,bseq[,j],type="l",lwd=2,lty=ltys[j])
axis(1); axis(4); box()
layout(matrix(1, 1, 1))
par(oldpar) # reset graphical parameters

### Dynamic prediction with time-varying effects

### Figure 6.3: Model-based failure functions (left) and dynamic fixed width
### failure functions with w = 2 (right) for two patients with Karnofsky
### scores 7 and 10, other covariates at mean values

# Recall cfixed and ctime
cfixed <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    FIGOIV + Diam.1cm + Diam1.2cm + Diam2.5cm + Diam.5cm +
    Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Karn, data = ov2)
ctime <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    FIGOIV + Diam.1cm + Diam1.2cm + Diam2.5cm + Diam.5cm +
    Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Karn +
    FIGOIV:lnt + Diam.1cm:lnt + Diam1.2cm:lnt + Diam2.5cm:lnt + Diam.5cm:lnt +
    Broders2:lnt + Broders3:lnt + Broders4:lnt + Brodersunknown:lnt +
    Ascitespresent:lnt + Ascitesunknown:lnt + Karn:lnt, data = ov2)

# Again use ov2, centered version of ova2
# Baseline
ndata <- data.frame(Karn = c(7,10)-mean(ova$Karn),
  Broders2 = 0, Broders3 = 0, Broders4 = 0, Brodersunknown = 0,
  FIGOIV = 0, Ascitespresent = 0, Ascitesunknown = 0,
  Diam.1cm = 0, Diam1.2cm = 0, Diam2.5cm = 0, Diam.5cm = 0)
sf <- survfit(cfixed, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
surva <- sf$surv[,1]
survb <- sf$surv[,2]
# Same ctime, now baseline (Karn=7 and =10 to be done later)
ndata <- data.frame(Karn = 0,
  Broders2 = 0, Broders3 = 0, Broders4 = 0, Brodersunknown = 0,
  FIGOIV = 0, Ascitespresent = 0, Ascitesunknown = 0,
  Diam.1cm = 0, Diam1.2cm = 0, Diam2.5cm = 0, Diam.5cm = 0, lnt = 0)
sf0 <- survfit(ctime, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
tt <- sf0$time; nt <- length(tt)
# H is now baseline centered at mean of covariates
H0 <- data.frame(time=sf0$time, H0=-log(sf0$surv))
H0$h0 <- diff(c(0,H0$H0))
f2 <- function(t) log(t+1)
mma <- mmb <- rep(0,12)
mma[12] <- 7 - mean(ova$Karn)
z1 <- as.numeric(mma %*% ctime$coef[1:12])
z2 <- as.numeric(mma %*% ctime$coef[13:24])
survtda <- exp(-cumsum(exp(z1 + z2*f2(tt)) * H0$h0))
mmb[12] <- 10 - mean(ova$Karn)
z1 <- as.numeric(mmb %*% ctime$coef[1:12])
z2 <- as.numeric(mmb %*% ctime$coef[13:24])
survtdb <- exp(-cumsum(exp(z1 + z2*f2(tt)) * H0$h0))

plot(c(0,tt),1-c(1,survtda),type="s",lwd=2,ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Time in years",ylab="Death probability")
  c("Karn=7, time-fixed","Karn=10, time-fixed","Karn=7, time-varying","Karn=10, time-varying"),

Fwa <- Fwindow(data.frame(time=tt,surv=surva),w=2,variance=FALSE)
Fwb <- Fwindow(data.frame(time=tt,surv=survb),w=2,variance=FALSE)
Fwtda <- Fwindow(data.frame(time=tt,surv=survtda),w=2,variance=FALSE)
Fwtdb <- Fwindow(data.frame(time=tt,surv=survtdb),w=2,variance=FALSE)
Fwa <- Fwa[Fwa$time<=5,]
Fwb <- Fwb[Fwb$time<=5,]
Fwtda <- Fwtda[Fwtda$time<=5,]
Fwtdb <- Fwtdb[Fwtdb$time<=5,]
plot(Fwtda$time,Fwtda$Fw,type="s",lwd=2,xlim=c(0,5),ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Time in years",ylab="Death within window probability")
  c("Karn=7, time-fixed","Karn=10, time-fixed","Karn=7, time-varying","Karn=10, time-varying"),

### Figure 6.4: Dynamic prediction error curves, with and without cross-validation,
### of the time-fixed and the time-varying models

### Three basic models compared: null model, time-fixed model (Ch 3), and full
### time-varying model. Because of time-varying aspects, standard calls of pecox
### and pewcox are not possible (a direct call to pewcox with CV=TRUE will
### cross-validate based on rows of the data, not on individuals). So instead we
### construct (cross-validated) survival matrices ourselves and call pew

# Recall cfixed and ctime
w <- 2
mm <- model.matrix(Surv(tyears, d) ~ FIGO + Diam + Broders + Ascites + Karn, data = ova)[,-1]
ov <- cbind(ova[,-(3:7)],mm)
ov <- as.data.frame(ov)
n <- nrow(ov)
ov$id <- 1:n
ov2 <- survSplit(data=ov, cut=tt, end="tyears", start="Tstart", event="d")
ov2$lnt <- log(ov2$tyears+1)

ctime <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    FIGOIV + Diam.1cm + Diam1.2cm + Diam2.5cm + Diam.5cm +
    Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Karn +
    FIGOIV:lnt + Diam.1cm:lnt + Diam1.2cm:lnt + Diam2.5cm:lnt + Diam.5cm:lnt +
    Broders2:lnt + Broders3:lnt + Broders4:lnt + Brodersunknown:lnt +
    Ascitespresent:lnt + Ascitesunknown:lnt + Karn:lnt, data = ov2)
# Same ctime, now baseline
ndata <- data.frame(Karn=0,Broders2=0,Broders3=0,Broders4=0,Brodersunknown=0,
sf0 <- survfit(ctime,newdata=ndata,censor=FALSE)
tt <- sf0$time; nt <- length(tt)
H0 <- data.frame(time=sf0$time,H0=-log(sf0$surv))
H0$h0 <- diff(c(0,H0$H0))
f2 <- function(t) log(t+1)
surv <- matrix(NA,nt,n)
for (i in 1:nrow(ova)) {
  z1 <- as.numeric(mm[i,] %*% ctime$coef[1:12])
  z2 <- as.numeric(mm[i,] %*% ctime$coef[13:24])
  surv[,i] <- exp(-cumsum(exp(z1 + z2*f2(tt)) * H0$h0))
## Cross-validated version
CVsurv <- matrix(NA,nt,n)
# This is to monitor progress
m <- floor(log10(nrow(ova))) + 1
pre <- rep("\b", 2 * m + 1)
for (i in 1:nrow(ova)) {
  cat(pre, i, "/", nrow(ova), sep = ""); flush.console()
  ov2mini <- ov2[ov2$id != i,]
  ctmini <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~
    FIGOIV + Diam.1cm + Diam1.2cm + Diam2.5cm + Diam.5cm +
    Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Karn +
    FIGOIV:lnt + Diam.1cm:lnt + Diam1.2cm:lnt + Diam2.5cm:lnt + Diam.5cm:lnt +
    Broders2:lnt + Broders3:lnt + Broders4:lnt + Brodersunknown:lnt +
    Ascitespresent:lnt + Ascitesunknown:lnt + Karn:lnt,
    data = ov2mini)
  sf0mini <- survfit(ctmini,newdata=ndata,censor=FALSE)
  H0mini <- data.frame(time=tt,
  H0mini$h0 <- diff(c(0,H0mini$H0))
  z1mini <- as.numeric(mm[i,] %*% ctmini$coef[1:12])
  z2mini <- as.numeric(mm[i,] %*% ctmini$coef[13:24])
  CVsurv[,i] <- exp(-cumsum(exp(z1mini + z2mini*f2(tt)) * H0mini$h0))

n <- nrow(ova)
tt <- sort(unique(ova$tyears[ova$d==1]))
ttw <- c(0,tt,tt-w)
ttw <- ttw[ttw>=0]
ttw <- sort(unique(ttw))
ntw <- length(ttw)

# Similar matrix containing censoring probabilities
coxcens <- coxph(Surv(tyears, 1-d) ~ 1, data=ova)
ycens <- coxcens[["y"]]
p <- ncol(ycens)
tcens <- ycens[,p-1]
dcens <- ycens[,p]
xcens <- coxcens$linear.predictors
coxcens <- coxph(Surv(tcens, dcens) ~ xcens)
sfcens <- survfit(coxcens,newdata=data.frame(xcens=xcens),censor=FALSE)
survcens <- sfcens$surv
tcens <- sfcens$time

dynpe1td.KL.ova <- pew(time = ova$tyears, status = ova$d, tsurv = tt,
  survmat = surv, tcens = tcens, censmat = survcens, width = w, FUN = "KL",
  tout = ttw)
dynpe1tdCV.KL.ova <- pew(time = ova$tyears, status = ova$d, tsurv = tt,
  survmat = CVsurv, tcens = tcens, censmat = survcens, width = w, FUN = "KL",
  tout = ttw)
dynpe1td.Brier.ova <- pew(time = ova$tyears, status = ova$d, tsurv = tt,
  survmat = surv, tcens = tcens, censmat = survcens, width = w, FUN = "Brier",
  tout = ttw)
dynpe1tdCV.Brier.ova <- pew(time = ova$tyears, status = ova$d, tsurv = tt,
  survmat = CVsurv, tcens = tcens, censmat = survcens, width = w, FUN = "Brier",
  tout = ttw)

dynpe1td.KL.ova$Err[is.infinite(dynpe1td.KL.ova$Err)] <- NA
dynpe1tdCV.KL.ova$Err[is.infinite(dynpe1tdCV.KL.ova$Err)] <- NA
dynpe1td.Brier.ova$Err[is.infinite(dynpe1td.Brier.ova$Err)] <- NA
dynpe1tdCV.Brier.ova$Err[is.infinite(dynpe1tdCV.Brier.ova$Err)] <- NA
# Need to fix the NA's, use NAfix() from mstate
dynpe1td.KL.ova$Err <- mstate:::NAfix(dynpe1td.KL.ova$Err)
dynpe1tdCV.KL.ova$Err <- mstate:::NAfix(dynpe1tdCV.KL.ova$Err)
dynpe1td.Brier.ova$Err <- mstate:::NAfix(dynpe1td.Brier.ova$Err)
dynpe1tdCV.Brier.ova$Err <- mstate:::NAfix(dynpe1tdCV.Brier.ova$Err)

# These were also calculated in Chapter 3
dynpe1.KL <- pewcox(Surv(tyears, d) ~ Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam,
  Surv(tyears, 1-d) ~ 1, data = ova, width = 2, FUN = "KL")
dynpe0.KL <- pewcox(Surv(tyears, d) ~ 1,
  Surv(tyears, 1-d) ~ 1, data = ova, width = 2, FUN = "KL")
dynpe1.Brier <- pewcox(Surv(tyears, d) ~ Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam,
  Surv(tyears, 1-d) ~ 1, data = ova, width = 2, FUN = "Brier")
dynpe0.Brier <- pewcox(Surv(tyears, d) ~ 1,
  Surv(tyears, 1-d) ~ 1, data = ova, width = 2, FUN = "Brier")

dynpe.Brier <- data.frame(time=dynpe1.Brier$time, Err0=dynpe0.Brier$Err, Err1=dynpe1.Brier$Err)
dynpe.Brier$ErrRed <- (dynpe.Brier$Err0-dynpe.Brier$Err1)/dynpe.Brier$Err0
dynpe.KL <- data.frame(time=dynpe1.KL$time, Err0=dynpe0.KL$Err, Err1=dynpe1.KL$Err)
dynpe.KL$ErrRed <- (dynpe.KL$Err0-dynpe.KL$Err1)/dynpe.KL$Err0

# Show until 5 years
dynpe1td.KL.ova <- subset(dynpe1td.KL.ova,time<=5)
dynpe1tdCV.KL.ova <- subset(dynpe1tdCV.KL.ova,time<=5)
dynpe.KL <- subset(dynpe.KL,time<=5)
dynpe1td.Brier.ova <- subset(dynpe1td.Brier.ova,time<=5)
dynpe1tdCV.Brier.ova <- subset(dynpe1tdCV.Brier.ova,time<=5)
dynpe.Brier <- subset(dynpe.Brier,time<=5)

# Finally, the actual plot
    xlab="Time in years",ylab="Prediction error",axes=FALSE)
legend("topright",c("Null model","Time-fixed","Time-varying","Time-varying (CV)"),lwd=2,lty=c(2,3,1,1),col=c(1,1,1,8),bty="n")

### Models inspired by the frailty concept

### Gamma frailty using coxph of the survival package (add + frailty(id) to formula)
ova$id <- 1:nrow(ova)
cfrailty <- coxph(Surv(tyears, d) ~ FIGO + Diam + Broders + Ascites + Karn + frailty(id), data = ova)
cfrailty <- coxph(Surv(tyears, d) ~ FIGO + Diam + Broders + Ascites + Karn + frailty.gamma(id, eps = 1e-05, method="em"), data = ova)
cfrailty # same
loglik.frailty <- cfrailty$history[[1]]$c.loglik

### Relaxed Burr model
X <- model.matrix(Surv(tyears, d) ~ FIGO + Diam + Broders + Ascites + Karn, data = ova)[,-1]
X <- t(t(X) - apply(X,2,mean)) # center covariates
dd <- data.frame(time=ova$tyears,status=ova$d)
## Define simple function to fit relaxed Burr model
## (returns minus the relaxed Burr partial likelihood)
Burrpl <- function(pars,dd,X) {
# pars contains first the beta's, then theta
# uncomment the deb statements to monitor progress within optim()
    ord <- order(dd$time,-dd$status)
    dd <- dd[ord,]
    X <- X[ord,,drop=FALSE]
    p1 <- ncol(X)
    beta <- pars[1:p1]
# deb(beta, method="cat")
    theta <- exp(pars[p1+1]) # only scalar for now
# deb(theta, method="cat")
    Xbeta <- as.numeric(X %*% beta)
    # not optimized for speed
    d1 <- dd[dd$status==1,]
    wh <- which(dd$status==1)
    nt <- nrow(d1)
    res <- 0
    for (i in 1:nt) {
        dd$rat <- exp(Xbeta)/(1+theta*d1$time[i]*exp(Xbeta))
        dd$rcsrat <- rev(cumsum(rev(dd$rat)))
        res <- res + log(dd$rat[wh[i]]) - log(dd$rcsrat[wh[i]])
# deb(res, method="cat")
bth <- c(0.4,rep(0,ncol(X)-1),0)
opt <- optim(bth, Burrpl, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, dd=dd, X=X)
# Parameters
# Standard errors
# The variance theta and its standard error
th <- exp(opt$par[13])
# Variance of log(theta) is diag(solve(opt$hessian))[13]
# By delta method, SE of theta is theta*SE(log(theta))

### Cure models

# Put file "semicure.s" in your working directory, then read in file
# Pure cure
sc1 <- semicure(Surv(tyears, d) ~ 1,
  cureform = ~ Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam, data = ova)
summary(sc1) # Note that semicure models probability of "uncure"
# Cure + Cox
sc2 <- semicure(Surv(tyears, d) ~ Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam,
  cureform = ~ Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam, data = ova)

### Reduced rank models

# Package coxvc fits the reduced rank models; careful, it also contains
# a data set ova, with small differences (at least in the names of the time
# and status variables). Be sure to take the ova data from dynpred
data(ova, package="dynpred")
# Somehow, for the functions of coxvc to work, the names of 'time' and 'status'
# need to be "time" and "death", and these need to be ordered
names(ova)[1:2] <- c("time","death")
ova <- ova[order(ova$time,-ova$death),]

# Software works only with categorical covariates, so code explicitly
mm <- model.matrix(Surv(time, death) ~ FIGO + Diam + Broders + Ascites + Karn, data=ova)[,-1]
ova <- cbind(ova,mm)
names(ova)[10:13] <- c("Diamless1","Diam1to2","Diam2to5","Diamgreater5")
Ft <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(ova)), log(ova$time+1))
# This is not in the book, but a rank=2 model with two time functions
# (identity and log(t+1)) is of full rank, so this will retain the
# time-varying model of Table 6.1
fit.r21 <- coxvc(Surv(time, death) ~ FIGOIV + Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Diamless1 + Diam1to2 + Diam2to5 + Diamgreater5 + Karn, Ft, rank = 2, data=ova)

# Two-stage procedure
mm <- model.matrix(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~ FIGO + Diam + Broders + Ascites + Karn, data=ova2)[,-1]
ova2$Xbeta <- as.numeric(mm %*% cfixed$coef)
cfixed0 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~ Xbeta, data = ova2)
ctime3 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, tyears, d) ~ Xbeta + Xbeta:lnt, data = ova2)
loglik.twostate <- ctime3$loglik[2]

## Rank 1 model with 1 and log(t+1)
Ft <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(ova)), log(ova$time+1))
fit.r11 <- coxvc(Surv(time, death) ~ Karn + Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown + FIGOIV +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Diamless1 + Diam1to2 + Diam2to5 + Diamgreater5, Ft, rank = 1, data=ova)

# Rescale gamma's so that gamma_1 = 1
gam11 <- fit.r11$gama[1]
gam21 <- fit.r11$gama[2]
gam21 <- gam21/gam11
gam21 # -0.488
gam11 <- 1
loglik.r11 <- fit.r11$logL

# Not in the book; plotcoxvc plots survival or covariate effects. I got it to work
# only if the data are ordered, names of time and status are "time" and "death", and
# data is attached
plotcoxvc(fit.r11, fun="survival")
plotcoxvc(fit.r11, fun="effects")

## Three time functions, rank=1
Ft <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(ova)), log(ova$time+1), log(ova$time+1)^2)
fit.r12 <- coxvc(Surv(time, death) ~ Karn + Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown + FIGOIV +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Diamless1 + Diam1to2 + Diam2to5 + Diamgreater5, Ft, rank = 1, data=ova)
loglik.r12 <- fit.r12$logL

# plotcoxvc(fit.r12, fun="survival")
# plotcoxvc(fit.r12, fun="effects")

## Four time functions, rank=1
Ft <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(ova)), log(ova$time+1), log(ova$time+1)^2, log(ova$time+1)^3)
fit.r13 <- coxvc(Surv(time, death) ~ Karn + Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown + FIGOIV +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Diamless1 + Diam1to2 + Diam2to5 + Diamgreater5, Ft, rank = 1, data=ova)
loglik.r13 <- fit.r13$logL

# plotcoxvc(fit.r13, fun="survival")
# plotcoxvc(fit.r13, fun="effects")

### Figure 6.5: Shape of the time variation of the rank=1 model for extended
### bases
gam12 <- fit.r12$gama[1]
gam22 <- fit.r12$gama[2]
gam32 <- fit.r12$gama[3]
gam22 <- gam22/gam12
gam32 <- gam32/gam12
gam12 <- 1
gam13 <- fit.r13$gama[1]
gam23 <- fit.r13$gama[2]
gam33 <- fit.r13$gama[3]
gam43 <- fit.r13$gama[4]
gam23 <- gam23/gam13
gam33 <- gam33/gam13
gam43 <- gam43/gam13
gam13 <- 1
tseq <- seq(0,6,by=0.05)

plot(tseq,gam11 + gam21*log(tseq+1),type="l",lwd=2,ylim=c(-0.25,1),xlab="Time (years)",ylab="Regression coefficient")
lines(tseq,gam12 + gam22*log(tseq+1) + gam32*log(tseq+1)^2,type="l",lwd=2,lty=2)
lines(tseq,gam13 + gam23*log(tseq+1) + gam33*log(tseq+1)^2 + gam43*log(tseq+1)^3,type="l",lwd=2,lty=3)

## Rank 1 model with 1 and log(t+1) for single categorical covariate
Ft <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(ova)), log(ova$time+1))
fit.r00 <- coxph(Surv(time, death) ~ Diam, data=ova)
fit.r11 <- coxvc(Surv(time, death) ~ Diamless1 + Diam1to2 + Diam2to5 + Diamgreater5, Ft, rank = 1, data=ova)
fit.r11$gama[2]/fit.r11$gama[1] # -0.504

### Rank=2 models
Ft <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(ova)), log(ova$time+1))
fit.r2 <- coxvc(Surv(time, death) ~ FIGOIV + Diamless1 + Diam1to2 + Diam2to5 + Diamgreater5 +
    Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Karn, Ft, rank = 2, data=ova)
loglik.r21 <- fit.r2$logL
Ft <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(ova)), log(ova$time+1), log(ova$time+1)^2)
fit.r2 <- coxvc(Surv(time, death) ~ FIGOIV + Diamless1 + Diam1to2 + Diam2to5 + Diamgreater5 +
    Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Karn, Ft, rank = 2, data=ova)
loglik.r22 <- fit.r2$logL
Ft <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(ova)), log(ova$time+1), log(ova$time+1)^2, log(ova$time+1)^3)
fit.r2 <- coxvc(Surv(time, death) ~ FIGOIV + Diamless1 + Diam1to2 + Diam2to5 + Diamgreater5 +
    Broders2 + Broders3 + Broders4 + Brodersunknown +
    Ascitespresent + Ascitesunknown + Karn, Ft, rank = 2, data=ova)
loglik.r23 <- fit.r2$logL

loglik.r23 - loglik.r13

### Figure 6.6: Time-dependent regression effects for the rank = 2, m = 4 model

# Automatic default picture of effects (not shown in the book)
plotcoxvc(fit.r2, fun="effects")

f1 <- function(t) 1
f2 <- function(t) log(t+1)
f3 <- function(t) log(t+1)^2
f4 <- function(t) log(t+1)^3
tseq <- seq(0,6,by=0.05)
nseq <- length(tseq)
Ftseq <- cbind(rep(1, nseq), f2(tseq), f3(tseq), f4(tseq))
bseq <- Ftseq %*% t(fit.r2$theta)

nms <- c("FIGO IV","Diameter <1 cm","Diameter 1-2 cm","Diameter 2-5 cm",
  "Diameter >5 cm","Broders 2","Broders 3","Broders 4","Broders unknown",
  "Ascites present","Ascites unknown","Karnofsky")
vdist <- hdist <- 0.2
ltys <- c(1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,2)
ylim <- range(bseq)
ylim[2] <- ylim[2]+0.2
layout(matrix(1:4, 2, 2, byrow=TRUE),widths=c(10,10),heights=c(10,10))
# topleft; KARN and FIGO (1 and 12)
wh <- c(1,12)
par(mar= c(vdist, 4, 3, hdist))
plot(tseq,bseq[,1],type="n",ylim=ylim,xlab="",ylab="Regression coefficient",axes=FALSE)
for (j in wh) lines(tseq,bseq[,j],type="l",lwd=2,lty=ltys[j])
axis(2); axis(3); box()
# topright; Broders (6-9)
wh <- 6:9
par(mar= c(vdist, hdist, 3, 4))
for (j in wh) lines(tseq,bseq[,j],type="l",lwd=2,lty=ltys[j])
axis(3); axis(4); box()
# bottomleft; Diameter (2-5)
wh <- 2:5
par(mar= c(5, 4, vdist, hdist))
plot(tseq,bseq[,1],type="n",ylim=ylim,xlab="Time (years)",ylab="Regression coefficient",axes=FALSE)
for (j in wh) lines(tseq,bseq[,j],type="l",lwd=2,lty=ltys[j])
axis(1); axis(2); box()
# bottomright; Ascites (10-11)
wh <- 10:11
par(mar= c(5, hdist, vdist, 4))
plot(tseq,bseq[,1],type="n",ylim=ylim,xlab="Time (years)",ylab="",axes=FALSE)
for (j in wh) lines(tseq,bseq[,j],type="l",lwd=2,lty=ltys[j])
axis(1); axis(4); box()
par(oldpar) # reset graphical parameters

### A summary of all the partial log-likelihoods
loglik.fixed # time-fixed
- opt$value # relaxed Burr
loglik.twostate # two-stage
loglik.r11 # the reduced rank models
loglik.r21 # the log-likelihood of the ful time-varying model (=loglik.timefull)

## Comparisons mentioned in the text
loglik.r11 - loglik.twostate
loglik.r13 - loglik.r11
loglik.r23 - loglik.r13