4  Calibration and revision of Cox models

This file contains R code for the analyses in Chapter 4 of the book Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis (CRC Chapman & Hall) by Hans C. van Houwelingen and Hein Putter

R code written by Hein Putter (H.Putter@lumc.nl for comments/questions) The dynpred package is available from CRAN

Consistency with the book has been checked with - R version 2.14.0 - survival version 2.36-10 - dynpred version 0.1.1


### Internal calibration by shrinkage

CVPL(Surv(tyears,d) ~ Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam,
  data = ova) # no shrinkage
CVPL(Surv(tyears,d) ~ Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam,
  data = ova, shrink = 0)
cseq <- seq(0,1.05,by=0.01)
cvplseq <- rep(NA,length(cseq))
for (i in 1:length(cseq))
  cvplseq[i] <- CVPL(formula = Surv(tyears,d) ~ Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam,
    data = ova, shrink = cseq[i], progress=FALSE)

cvplf <- function(shrink)
  CVPL(formula=Surv(tyears,d) ~ Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam,
    data=ova, shrink=shrink, progress=FALSE)
opt <- optimize(f = cvplf, lower = 0.001, upper = 2, maximum = TRUE)
shr <- opt$maximum # save for plot

### Cox regression with the cross-validated prognostic index
## Call CVcindex to get cross-validated prognostic index
xc <- CVcindex(Surv(tyears,d) ~ Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam,
  data = ova, matrix=TRUE)
ovaa <- ova
ovaa$PIx <- diag(xc$matrix)
cPIx <- coxph(Surv(tyears,d) ~ PIx, data=ovaa)
plPIx <- rep(NA,length(cseq))
ord <- order(ovaa$tyears,-ovaa$d)
ovaa <- ovaa[ord,]
for (i in 1:length(cseq)) {
    ovaa$rat <- exp(cseq[i] * ovaa$PIx)
    ovaa$rcsrat <- rev(cumsum(rev(ovaa$rat)))
    ovaa1 <- ovaa[ovaa$d==1,]
    plPIx[i] <- sum(log(ovaa1$rat) - log(ovaa1$rcsrat))

### Figure 4.1: Log-likelihood as function of the shrinkage factor

shift <- cvplseq[1]-plPIx[1]
plPIxshift <- plPIx + shift
plot(cseq,plPIxshift,type="l",lwd=2,lty=2,xlab="Shrinkage factor",ylab="Cross-validated log partial likelihood",axes=FALSE)
mtext("Log partial likelihood",side=4,line=2)
legend("topleft",c("CVPL","PL (cross-validated PI)"),lwd=2,lty=1:2,bty="n")

# Difference between CVPL at 1 and maximized at \hat{c}
improvement <- opt$objective -
  CVPL(formula = Surv(tyears, d) ~ Karn + Broders + FIGO + Ascites + Diam,
    data = ova)
# p-value

### External calibration (ALL data)


# RFS is endpoint
ALL$rfs <- pmin(ALL$rel,ALL$srv)
ALL$rfs.s <- pmax(ALL$rel.s,ALL$srv.s)
# ALL has cohort effect, first cohort is different from 2 and 3
ALL$cohort <- as.numeric(ALL$year)
ALL$cohort[ALL$cohort==3] <- 2
coxph(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~  year, data = ALL, method="breslow")
coxph(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~  cohort, data = ALL, method="breslow")

### Figure 4.2: Relapse-free survival curves for each of the three ALL cohorts

# Three Kaplan-Meiers
km1 <- survfit(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~ 1, data = ALL[ALL$year=="1985-1989",])
km2 <- survfit(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~ 1, data = ALL[ALL$year=="1990-1994",])
km3 <- survfit(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~ 1, data = ALL[ALL$year=="1995-1998",])
idx <- which(km1$time<=10*365.25)

plot(c(0,km1$time[idx])/365.25,c(1,km1$surv[idx]),type="s",xlim=c(0,10),ylim=c(0,1),lwd=2,xlab="Years since transplantation",ylab="Relapse-free survival")
idx <- which(km2$time<=10*365.25)
idx <- which(km3$time<=10*365.25)

### Table 4.1: Prognostic index for relapse-free survival based on cohort 1
### of the ALL data

# Prognostic model on first cohort
ALL1 <- ALL[ALL$cohort==1,]
n1 <- nrow(ALL1)
c1 <- coxph(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~  agecl + proph + match, data = ALL1, method="breslow")
X <- model.matrix(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~  agecl + proph + match, data = ALL)[,-1]
PI <- ALL$PI <- as.vector(X %*% c1$coef)
ALL1 <- ALL[ALL$cohort==1,]

# Baseline hazard, using survfit and newdata with baseline values
# Not with basehaz() because I don't want the censored time points
ndata <- data.frame(agecl=1, proph=1, match=1)
ndata$agecl <- factor(ndata$agecl, levels=1:3, labels=levels(ALL1$agecl))
ndata$proph <- factor(ndata$proph, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL1$proph))
ndata$match <- factor(ndata$match, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL1$match))

H0 <- survfit(c1, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
H0 <- data.frame(time=H0$time/365.25, hazard=-log(H0$surv)) # time in years

### Figure 4.3: Estimated cumulative baseline hazard of the prediction model

plot(c(0,H0$time), c(0,H0$hazard), type="s", lwd=2, xlab="Years since transplantation", ylab="Cumulative hazard")

### Concordance index
cindex(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~ agecl + proph + match, data=ALL1)
CVcindex(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~ agecl + proph + match, data=ALL1)

### Figure 4.4 Dynamic prediction errors (window width w = 0.5)
### with cross-validation for the prognostic index of Table 4.1 in the first
### cohort of the ALL data

### Kullback-Leibler
dynpe1.KL.ALL <- pewcox(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~ agecl + proph + match,
  Surv(rfs, 1-rfs.s) ~ 1, data = ALL1, width = 183, FUN = "KL")
dynpe0.KL.ALL <- pewcox(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~ 1,
  Surv(rfs, 1-rfs.s) ~ 1, data = ALL1, width = 183, FUN = "KL")
dynpe1.Brier.ALL <- pewcox(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~ agecl + proph + match,
  Surv(rfs, 1-rfs.s) ~ 1, data = ALL1, width = 183, FUN = "Brier")

### Breier
dynpe0.Brier.ALL <- pewcox(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~ 1,
  Surv(rfs, 1-rfs.s) ~ 1, data = ALL1, width = 183, FUN = "Brier")
CVdynpe1.KL.ALL <- pewcox(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~ agecl + proph + match,
  Surv(rfs, 1-rfs.s) ~ 1, data = ALL1, width = 183, FUN = "KL", CV = TRUE)
CVdynpe1.Brier.ALL <- pewcox(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~ agecl + proph + match,
  Surv(rfs, 1-rfs.s) ~ 1, data = ALL1, width = 183, FUN = "Brier", CV = TRUE)

# Fix the NA's
dynpe0.KL.ALL$Err <- mstate:::NAfix(dynpe0.KL.ALL$Err,subst=0)
dynpe1.KL.ALL$Err <- mstate:::NAfix(dynpe1.KL.ALL$Err,subst=0)
dynpe0.Brier.ALL$Err <- mstate:::NAfix(dynpe0.Brier.ALL$Err,subst=0)
dynpe1.Brier.ALL$Err <- mstate:::NAfix(dynpe1.Brier.ALL$Err,subst=0)
CVdynpe1.KL.ALL$Err[is.infinite(CVdynpe1.KL.ALL$Err)] <- NA
CVdynpe1.KL.ALL$Err <- mstate:::NAfix(CVdynpe1.KL.ALL$Err,subst=0)
CVdynpe1.Brier.ALL$Err[is.infinite(CVdynpe1.Brier.ALL$Err)] <- NA
CVdynpe1.Brier.ALL$Err <- mstate:::NAfix(CVdynpe1.Brier.ALL$Err,subst=0)

    xlab="Time in years",ylab="Prediction error")
legend("topright",c("Null model","Covariate model","Covariate model (CV)"),lwd=2,col=c(1,1,8),lty=c(2,1,1),bty="n")

### Evaluated on second cohort
ALL2 <- ALL[ALL$cohort==2,]
n2 <- nrow(ALL2)

X <- model.matrix(Surv(rfs, rfs.s) ~  agecl + proph + match, data = ALL)[,-1]

# Recall H0 from the code below Table 4.1
n0 <- nrow(H0)

### Figure 4.5 Linear interpolation of the cumulative hazard illustrated
### graphically for the first six event times

plot(c(0,H0$time*365.25),c(0,H0$hazard),type="s",lwd=2,lty=4,xlim=c(0,16),ylim=c(0,0.01),xlab="Days from transplant",ylab="Cumulative hazard")
H0$smoothed <- apply(data.frame(c(0,H0$hazard[-n0]),H0$hazard),1,mean)
legend("topleft",c("Breslow estimate","Interpolation"),lwd=2,lty=c(4,1),pch=c(NA,1),bty="n")

interstep <- function (time, stepf, newtime, to.data.frame = FALSE) 
### NOTE: only works for cumulative hazards; time starts at 0, argument time should not contain 0, only positive finite values
    n <- length(time)
    if (length(stepf) != n) 
        stop("arguments 'time' and 'stepf' should have the same length")
    if (any(!(order(time) == 1:n))) 
        stop("argument 'time' should be ordered")
    if (any(duplicated(time))) 
        stop("argument 'time' should not contain duplicates")
    if (any(is.infinite(time))) 
        stop("(-) infinity not allowed in 'time'")
    if (any(time<=0)) 
        stop("0 or negative values not allowed in 'time'")
    ### Keep last value and replace values of stepfunction by values halfway the step
    lastval <- stepf[n]
    stepf <- apply(data.frame(c(0,stepf[-n]),stepf),1,mean)

    time <- c(0, time, Inf)
    idx <- cut(newtime, time, right = FALSE)
    idx <- as.numeric(idx)
    res1 <- c(0, stepf)[idx]
    res2 <- c(0, stepf, Inf)[idx+1]
    time1 <- time[idx]
    time2 <- time[idx+1]
    rho <- 1-(newtime-time1)/(time2-time1)
    res <- rho*res1 + (1-rho)*res2
    dfr <- data.frame(newtime=newtime,idx=idx,res1=res1,res2=res2,time1=time1,time2=time2,rho=rho,res=res)

    ### Values of newtime that are beyond (or exactly at) the last point of 'time'
    ### should be replaced by the last value of the original stepfunction (saved in lastval)
    wh <- which(idx==n+1)
    res[wh] <- lastval
    if (to.data.frame) 
        return(data.frame(newtime = newtime, res = res))
    else return(res)

ALL$H0 <- interstep(H0$time,H0$hazard,ALL$rfs/365.25)
ALL$logH0 <- log(ALL$H0)
ALL$H <- ALL$H0*exp(ALL$PI)
ALL$logH <- ALL$logH0 + ALL$PI

# Recall
ALL1 <- ALL[ALL$cohort==1,]
ALL2 <- ALL[ALL$cohort==2,]

## Poisson regression

# Check on ALL1 data (these should be giving 0's and 1's approximately)
fit1 <- glm(rfs.s ~ offset(logH), family="poisson", data=ALL1)
fit2 <- glm(rfs.s ~ PI + offset(logH0), family="poisson", data=ALL1)
fit3 <- glm(rfs.s ~ PI + offset(logH), family="poisson", data=ALL1)

# Now for real on ALL2 data
fit1 <- glm(rfs.s ~ offset(logH), family="poisson", data=ALL2)
fit2 <- glm(rfs.s ~ PI + offset(logH0), family="poisson", data=ALL2)
fit3 <- glm(rfs.s ~ PI + offset(logH), family="poisson", data=ALL2)

### Table 4.2: Calibration and revision of the prognostic index (left column)

### Weibull regression with H_0^*(t_i) as outcome
sr <- survreg(Surv(H0, rfs.s) ~ PI, ALL2, dist='weibull')
## theta0 and theta1
-sr$coef/sr$scale # gives (theta_0,theta_1)
## standard errors using delta method
sr$var # covariance matrix of (beta0,beta1,log(scale))
der <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,-sr$coef),2,3) # derivative
varr <- der %*% sr$var %*% t(der)

### Figure 4.6: Calibrated relapse-free survival curves for three selected
### patients

th0 <- -sr$coef[1]/sr$scale
th1 <- -sr$coef[2]/sr$scale
th2 <- 1/sr$scale
pat <- H0[,c(2,1)]
pat$H0 <- pat$hazard
pat$logH0 <- log(pat$H0)

# Baseline
PI <- 0
pat$logHcal <- th0 + th1*PI + th2*pat$logH0
pat$Hcal <- exp(pat$logHcal)

plot(pat$time,exp(-pat$H0*exp(PI)),type="s",lwd=2,ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Years since transplantation",ylab="Relapse-free survival")

# Average
PI <- mean(ALL$PI)
pat$logHcal <- th0 + th1*PI + th2*pat$logH0
pat$Hcal <- exp(pat$logHcal)

plot(pat$time,exp(-pat$H0*exp(PI)),type="s",lwd=2,ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Years since transplantation",ylab="Relapse-free survival")
title(main="Average PI")

# Largest
PI <- max(ALL$PI)
pat$logHcal <- th0 + th1*PI + th2*pat$logH0
pat$Hcal <- exp(pat$logHcal)

plot(pat$time,exp(-pat$H0*exp(PI)),type="s",lwd=2,ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Years since transplantation",ylab="Relapse-free survival")
title(main="Largest PI")

### Model revision

### Table 4.2: Calibration and revision of the prognostic index (right column)

# Weibull regression with H_0^*(t_i) as outcome, PI + single covariates
summary(survreg(Surv(H0, rfs.s) ~ PI + match, ALL2, dist='weibull'))
summary(survreg(Surv(H0, rfs.s) ~ PI + proph, ALL2, dist='weibull'))
summary(survreg(Surv(H0, rfs.s) ~ PI + agecl, ALL2, dist='weibull'))