9  Dynamic prediction in multi-state models

This file contains R code for the analyses in Chapter 9 of the book Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis (CRC Chapman & Hall) by Hans C. van Houwelingen and Hein Putter

R code written by Hein Putter (H.Putter@lumc.nl for comments/questions) The dynpred package is available from CRAN

Consistency with the book has been checked with - R version 2.14.0 - survival version 2.36-10 - dynpred version 0.1.1

### Section 9.3: Application (ALL data)


year <- 365.25
month <- year/12

### Table 9.1: Cox regression for death and/or relapse

### To construct this table, a new data set needs to be constructed containing
### the time-dependent covariates (recent) AGvHD and PR, in long format.
### This can be done from scratch; here the mstate package is used, in
### particular the function msprep(). For this to work we need to define
### a multi-state model with AGvHD and PR + 30 days as new events
transListn <- list(
  "Tx" = c(2, 4, 10, 11),
  "A" = c(3, 6, 10, 11),
  "A30" = c(7, 10, 11),
  "R" = c(5, 6, 10, 11),
  "R30" = c(8, 10, 11),
  "AR" = c(7, 8, 10, 11),
  "A30R" = c(9, 10, 11),
  "AR30" = c(9, 10, 11),
  "A30R30" = c(10, 11),
  "Rel" = c(),
  "Death" = c())
tmat <- transMat(transListn)

# Define RFS (minimum of relapse and death)
ALL$rfs <- pmin(ALL$rel,ALL$srv)
ALL$rfs.s <- pmax(ALL$rel.s,ALL$srv.s)
# Define "new states" as recovery and/or AE plus one month
ALL$r30 <- ALL$rec + month
ALL$r30.s <- ALL$rec.s
ALL$a30 <- ALL$ae + month
ALL$a30.s <- ALL$ae.s
ALL$ar <- pmax(ALL$ae,ALL$rec) # already in data (as recae)
ALL$ar.s <- pmin(ALL$ae.s,ALL$rec.s) # already in data (as recae.s)
ALL$a30r <- pmax(ALL$a30,ALL$rec)
ALL$a30r.s <- pmin(ALL$ae.s,ALL$rec.s)
ALL$ar30 <- pmax(ALL$ae,ALL$r30)
ALL$ar30.s <- pmin(ALL$ae.s,ALL$rec.s)
ALL$a30r30 <- pmax(ALL$a30,ALL$r30)
ALL$a30r30.s <- pmin(ALL$ae.s,ALL$rec.s)
# These newly defined a30 etc should never go beyond end of follow-up
wh <- which(ALL$r30>ALL$rfs)
ALL$r30.s[wh] <- 0
ALL$r30[wh] <- ALL$rfs[wh]
wh <- which(ALL$a30>ALL$rfs)
ALL$a30.s[wh] <- 0
ALL$a30[wh] <- ALL$rfs[wh]
wh <- which(ALL$a30r>ALL$rfs)
ALL$a30r.s[wh] <- 0
ALL$a30r[wh] <- ALL$rfs[wh]
wh <- which(ALL$ar30>ALL$rfs)
ALL$ar30.s[wh] <- 0
ALL$ar30[wh] <- ALL$rfs[wh]
wh <- which(ALL$a30r30>ALL$rfs)
ALL$a30r30.s[wh] <- 0
ALL$a30r30[wh] <- ALL$rfs[wh]
# covariates
covs <- c("year","agecl","proph","match")

ALL2 <- msprep(
  data=ALL, trans=tmat, keep=covs)

# We are now going to add the values of the time-dependent covariates in the
# ALL2 data
ALL2$A <- ALL2$recA <- ALL2$R <- ALL2$recR <- 0
ALL2$A[ALL2$from %in% c(2,3,6,7,8,9)] <- 1
ALL2$recA[ALL2$from %in% c(2,6,8)] <- 1
ALL2$R[ALL2$from %in% 4:9] <- 1
ALL2$recR[ALL2$from %in% c(4,6,7)] <- 1
# For time-dependent Cox regression we are only interested in transitions
# into either relapse or death
### First relapse
ALL2Rel <- ALL2[ALL2$to==10,]
ALL2Rel <- ALL2Rel[!is.na(ALL2Rel$id),]
c1Rel <- coxph(
  Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status) ~ match + proph + year + agecl + A + recA + R + recR,
  data = ALL2Rel, method="breslow")
### Then death
ALL2Death <- ALL2[ALL2$to==11,]
ALL2Death <- ALL2Death[!is.na(ALL2Death$id),]
c1Death <- coxph(
  Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status) ~ match + proph + year + agecl + A + recA + R + recR,
  data = ALL2Death, method="breslow")
### For RFS, we could either adapt ALL2, or (quicker) redefine ALL2
### based on new transition matrix
transListn <- list(
  "Tx" = c(2, 4, 10),
  "A" = c(3, 6, 10),
  "A30" = c(7, 10),
  "R" = c(5, 6, 10),
  "R30" = c(8, 10),
  "AR" = c(7, 8, 10),
  "A30R" = c(9, 10),
  "AR30" = c(9, 10),
  "A30R30" = c(10),
  "RelDeath" = c())
tmat2 <- transMat(transListn)

ALL2 <- msprep(
  data=ALL, trans=tmat2, keep=covs)
# Again add values of the time-dependent covariates in ALL2
ALL2$A <- ALL2$recA <- ALL2$R <- ALL2$recR <- 0
ALL2$A[ALL2$from %in% c(2,3,6,7,8,9)] <- 1
ALL2$recA[ALL2$from %in% c(2,6,8)] <- 1
ALL2$R[ALL2$from %in% 4:9] <- 1
ALL2$recR[ALL2$from %in% c(4,6,7)] <- 1
ALL2RFS <- ALL2[ALL2$to==10,]
ALL2RFS <- ALL2RFS[!is.na(ALL2RFS$id),]

c1 <- coxph(
  Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status) ~ match + proph + year + agecl + A + recA + R + recR,
  data = ALL2RFS, method="breslow")

### Table 9.2: Cox regression for AGvHD and platelet recovery

### Time-dependent Cox models for AGvHD and platelet recovery
## AGvHD
transListn <- list(
  "Tx" = c(2, 4),
  "R" = c(3, 4),
  "R30" = c(4),
  "A" = c()
tmat3 <- transMat(transListn)
ALL3 <- msprep(
  data=ALL, trans=tmat3, keep=covs)
# Again add values of the time-dependent covariates in ALL3
ALL3$R <- ALL3$recR <- 0
ALL3$R[ALL3$from %in% c(2,3)] <- 1
ALL3$recR[ALL3$from==2] <- 1
ALL3s <- ALL3[ALL3$to==4,]
# For some reason, two "Inf" values for Tstop and time (with status 0),
# set to largest observed time
ALL3s$Tstop[is.infinite(ALL3s$Tstop)] <- max(ALL3s$Tstop[!is.infinite(ALL3s$Tstop)])
ALL3s$time <- ALL3s$Tstop - ALL3s$Tstart
c2 <- coxph(
  Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status) ~ match + proph + year + agecl + R + recR,
  data = ALL3s, method="breslow")

## Platelet recovery
transListn <- list(
  "Tx" = c(2, 4),
  "A" = c(3, 4),
  "A30" = c(4),
  "R" = c()
tmat4 <- transMat(transListn)
ALL4 <- msprep(
  data=ALL, trans=tmat3, keep=covs)
# Again add values of the time-dependent covariates in ALL4
ALL4$A <- ALL4$recA <- 0
ALL4$A[ALL4$from %in% c(2,3)] <- 1
ALL4$recA[ALL4$from==2] <- 1
ALL4s <- ALL4[ALL4$to==4,]

c3 <- coxph(
  Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status) ~ match + proph + year + agecl + A + recA,
  data = ALL4s, method="breslow")

### Figure 9.8: Cumulative baseline hazards for AGVHD, platelet recovery,
### and for relapse and/or death

### We have saved c1, c1Rel, c1Death, c2, c3, Cox models for RFS,
### Relapse, Death, AE, and Rec, respectively
### First fix a patient with reference values for the covariates
### and 0 for all the time-dependent covariates; this will give the
### baseline hazards
ndata <- data.frame(match=1, proph=1, year=1, agecl=1, R=0, recR=0, A=0, recA=0)
ndata$match <- factor(ndata$match, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL$match))
ndata$proph <- factor(ndata$proph, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL$proph))
ndata$year <- factor(ndata$year, levels=1:3, labels=levels(ALL$year))
ndata$agecl <- factor(ndata$agecl, levels=1:3, labels=levels(ALL$agecl))
sf1Rel <- survfit(c1Rel, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf1Rel <- data.frame(time=sf1Rel$time,surv=sf1Rel$surv,Haz=-log(sf1Rel$surv))
sf1Death <- survfit(c1Death, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf1Death <- data.frame(time=sf1Death$time,surv=sf1Death$surv,
sf1 <- survfit(c1, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf1 <- data.frame(time=sf1$time,surv=sf1$surv,Haz=-log(sf1$surv))
sf2 <- survfit(c2, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf2 <- data.frame(time=sf2$time,surv=sf2$surv,Haz=-log(sf2$surv))
# extend sf2 a little bit
n2 <- nrow(sf2)
sf2 <- rbind(sf2,data.frame(time=500,surv=sf2$surv[n2],Haz=sf2$Haz[n2]))
sf3 <- survfit(c3, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf3 <- data.frame(time=sf3$time,surv=sf3$surv,Haz=-log(sf3$surv))

## Plot baseline cumulative hazards

maxHaz <- max(c(sf1$Haz,sf2$Haz,sf3$Haz))

  xlab="Years since transplantation",ylab="Cumulative hazard")
  c("Relapse or death","Relapse","Death"),
  c("AGvHD","Platelet recovery"),

### Prediction by landmarking

ALL$time <- pmin(ALL$rel,ALL$srv)
ALL$status <- 0
ALL$status[((ALL$rel<=ALL$srv) & (ALL$rel.s==1))] <- 1
ALL$status[((ALL$srv<=ALL$rel) & (ALL$srv.s==1))] <- 2

w <- 5*year
covs <- c("year","agecl","proph","match")

### Construct landmark data
LMs <- seq(0,year,length=101)
LMdata <- NULL
for (i in seq(along=LMs)) {
    LM <- LMs[i]
    ALLi <- ALL[ALL$time>LM,]
    R <- as.numeric(ALLi$rec<=LM)
    A <- as.numeric(ALLi$ae<=LM)
    recR <- as.numeric(ALLi$rec<=LM & ALLi$rec>LM-month)
    recA <- as.numeric(ALLi$ae<=LM & ALLi$ae<=LM-month)
    ALLi$status[ALLi$time>LM+w] <- 0
    ALLi$time[ALLi$time>LM+w] <- LM+w
    ALLicovs <- ALLi[,match(covs,names(ALLi))]
    dfri <- data.frame(id=ALLi$id,time=ALLi$time,status=ALLi$status,
    dfri <- cbind(dfri,ALLicovs)
    LMdata <- rbind(LMdata,dfri)

# Summaries

### Table 9.3: Landmark supermodel with proportional baseline hazards
### for death and/or relapse, based on an equally spaced set of landmark
### time-points from 0 to 1 with distance 0.01 and window width w = 5 years

# For theta(s)
g1 <- function(t) t
g2 <- function(t) t^2
LMdata$LM1 <- g1(LMdata$LM/year)
LMdata$LM2 <- g2(LMdata$LM/year)

### Landmark supermodels
## First stratified (these are NOT included in the book)
# Relapse
LMcox1 <- coxph(Surv(time,status==1) ~ match + proph + year + agecl +
    A + recA + R + recR + strata(LM) + cluster(id), data=LMdata)
# Death before relapse
LMcox2 <- coxph(Surv(time,status==2) ~ match + proph + year + agecl +
    A + recA + R + recR + strata(LM) + cluster(id), data=LMdata)
LMcox0 <- coxph(Surv(time,status>0) ~ match + proph + year + agecl +
    A + recA + R + recR + strata(LM) + cluster(id), data=LMdata)

### Same thing, now with proportional baselines (ipl*)
## Take three coffee breaks; this takes a while, because of the large stacked
## landmark data set
# Relapse
LMcox1 <- coxph(Surv(time,status==1) ~ match + proph + year + agecl +
  A + recA + R + recR + LM1 + LM2 + cluster(id),
# Death before relapse
LMcox2 <- coxph(Surv(time,status==2) ~ match + proph + year + agecl +
  A + recA + R + recR + LM1 + LM2 + cluster(id),
LMcox0 <- coxph(Surv(time,status>0) ~ match + proph + year + agecl +
  A + recA + R + recR + LM1 + LM2 + cluster(id),

### Figure 9.9: Baseline hazard and landmark effects in the proportional
### baselines landmark supermodel of Table 9.3

# Baseline hazards (plot as in chapters 7 and 8)
ndata <- data.frame(match=1, proph=1, year=1, agecl=1, R=0, recR=0, A=0, recA=0,
  LM1=0, LM2=0)
ndata$match <- factor(ndata$match, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL$match))
ndata$proph <- factor(ndata$proph, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL$proph))
ndata$year <- factor(ndata$year, levels=1:3, labels=levels(ALL$year))
ndata$agecl <- factor(ndata$agecl, levels=1:3, labels=levels(ALL$agecl))
sf20 <- survfit(LMcox0, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
Haz20 <- data.frame(time=sf20$time,surv=sf20$surv)
Haz20$Haz <- -log(Haz20$surv)
sf20Rel <- survfit(LMcox1, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
Haz20Rel <- data.frame(time=sf20Rel$time,surv=sf20Rel$surv)
Haz20Rel$Haz <- -log(Haz20Rel$surv)
sf20Death <- survfit(LMcox2, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
Haz20Death <- data.frame(time=sf20Death$time,surv=sf20Death$surv)
Haz20Death$Haz <- -log(Haz20Death$surv)

oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) # save graphical parameters
plot(Haz20$time/year, Haz20$Haz, type="s", lwd=2,
  xlab="Time (years)", ylab="Cumulative hazard")
lines(Haz20Rel$time/year, Haz20Rel$Haz, type="s", lwd=2, lty=2)
lines(Haz20Death$time/year, Haz20Death$Haz, type="s", lwd=2, lty=3)
plot(LMs/year, exp(LMcox0$coef[11]*g1(LMs/year) + LMcox0$coef[12]*g2(LMs/year)),
  type="l", lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1), xlab="Landmark (s)", ylab="exp(theta(s))")
lines(LMs/year, exp(LMcox1$coef[11]*g1(LMs/year) + LMcox1$coef[12]*g2(LMs/year)),
  type="l", lwd=2, lty=2)
lines(LMs/year, exp(LMcox2$coef[11]*g1(LMs/year) + LMcox2$coef[12]*g2(LMs/year)),
  type="l", lwd=2, lty=3)
par(oldpar) # reset graphical parameters

### Figure 9.10 Landmark dynamic fixed width (w = 5) prediction probabilities
### of relapse or death for all combinations of AGvHD and PR information

w <- 5*year
tt <- seq(0,year,length=101)
nt <- length(tt)

Fwpredict <- function(bet, Haz, w, tt)
    nt <- length(tt)
    Haz$haz <- diff(c(0,Haz$Haz))
    Fw <- data.frame(time=tt,Fw=NA)
    for (i in 1:nt) {
        sfi <- Haz # local copy
        tti <- tt[i]
        sfi$haz <- sfi$haz *
          exp(bet[11]*g1(tt[i]/year) + bet[12]*g2(tt[i]/year))
        sfi$Haz <- cumsum(sfi$haz)
        tmp <- evalstep(sfi$time,sfi$Haz,c(tti,tti+w),subst=0)
        Fw$Fw[i] <- 1-exp(-(tmp[2]-tmp[1]))
# < 20
Haz <- Haz20
HazrecP <- HazP <- Haz
HazrecP$Haz <- HazrecP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9]+LMcox0$coef[10])
HazP$Haz <- HazP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9])
HazrecA <- Haz
HazrecA$Haz <- HazrecA$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[7]+LMcox0$coef[8])
HazrecArecP <- HazrecAP <- HazrecA
HazrecArecP$Haz <- HazrecArecP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9]+LMcox0$coef[10])
HazrecAP$Haz <- HazrecAP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9])
HazA <- Haz
HazA$Haz <- HazA$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[7])
HazArecP <- HazAP <- HazrecA
HazArecP$Haz <- HazArecP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9]+LMcox0$coef[10])
HazAP$Haz <- HazAP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9])
Fw20 <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, Haz, w, tt)
Fw20recP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecP, w, tt)
Fw20P <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazP, w, tt)
Fw20recA <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecA, w, tt)
Fw20recArecP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecArecP, w, tt)
Fw20recAP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecAP, w, tt)
Fw20A <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazA, w, tt)
Fw20ArecP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazArecP, w, tt)
Fw20AP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazAP, w, tt)
# 20-40
Haz <- Haz20
Haz$Haz <- Haz$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[5])
HazrecP <- HazP <- Haz
HazrecP$Haz <- HazrecP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9]+LMcox0$coef[10])
HazP$Haz <- HazP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9])
HazrecA <- Haz
HazrecA$Haz <- HazrecA$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[7]+LMcox0$coef[8])
HazrecArecP <- HazrecAP <- HazrecA
HazrecArecP$Haz <- HazrecArecP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9]+LMcox0$coef[10])
HazrecAP$Haz <- HazrecAP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9])
HazA <- Haz
HazA$Haz <- HazA$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[7])
HazArecP <- HazAP <- HazrecA
HazArecP$Haz <- HazArecP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9]+LMcox0$coef[10])
HazAP$Haz <- HazAP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9])
Fw2040 <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, Haz, w, tt)
Fw2040recP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecP, w, tt)
Fw2040P <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazP, w, tt)
Fw2040recA <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecA, w, tt)
Fw2040recArecP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecArecP, w, tt)
Fw2040recAP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecAP, w, tt)
Fw2040A <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazA, w, tt)
Fw2040ArecP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazArecP, w, tt)
Fw2040AP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazAP, w, tt)
# >40
Haz <- Haz20
Haz$Haz <- Haz$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[6])
HazrecP <- HazP <- Haz
HazrecP$Haz <- HazrecP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9]+LMcox0$coef[10])
HazP$Haz <- HazP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9])
HazrecA <- Haz
HazrecA$Haz <- HazrecA$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[7]+LMcox0$coef[8])
HazrecArecP <- HazrecAP <- HazrecA
HazrecArecP$Haz <- HazrecArecP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9]+LMcox0$coef[10])
HazrecAP$Haz <- HazrecAP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9])
HazA <- Haz
HazA$Haz <- HazA$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[7])
HazArecP <- HazAP <- HazrecA
HazArecP$Haz <- HazArecP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9]+LMcox0$coef[10])
HazAP$Haz <- HazAP$Haz*exp(LMcox0$coef[9])
Fw40 <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, Haz, w, tt)
Fw40recP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecP, w, tt)
Fw40P <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazP, w, tt)
Fw40recA <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecA, w, tt)
Fw40recArecP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecArecP, w, tt)
Fw40recAP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazrecAP, w, tt)
Fw40A <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazA, w, tt)
Fw40ArecP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazArecP, w, tt)
Fw40AP <- Fwpredict(LMcox0$coef, HazAP, w, tt)

# Prepare everything in single data set, to make nice (trellis) picture
Fwall <- rbind(Fw20,Fw2040,Fw40,Fw20recP,Fw2040recP,Fw40recP,Fw20P,Fw2040P,Fw40P,
Fwall$time <- Fwall$time/year
Fwall$age <- rep(rep(1:3,rep(101,3)),9)
Fwall$A <- rep(1:3,rep(101*9,3))
Fwall$P <- rep(rep(1:3,rep(101*3,3)),3)
Fwall$AP <- 3*(4-Fwall$A) + Fwall$P
Fwall$AP <- factor(Fwall$AP,
  labels=c("Past AGvHD, no PR","Past AGvHD, recent PR","Past AGvHD, past PR",
    "Recent AGvHD, no PR","Recent AGvHD, recent PR","Recent AGvHD, past PR",
    "No AGvHD, no PR","No AGvHD, recent PR","No AGvHD, past PR"))
Fwall$age <- factor(Fwall$age,labels=c("Age <= 20","Age 20-40","Age > 40"))

key.age <- list(text = list(levels(Fwall$age)),
    lines = list(lwd = 2, lty = 1:3, col = "black"))
xyplot(Fw ~ time | AP, data=Fwall, groups=age, ylim=c(0,1), lwd=2, type="l", col=1, lty=1:3,
  xlab="Prediction time (years)",ylab="Probability of relapse or death", key=key.age)

### Figure 9.11: Landmark dynamic fixed width (w = 5) prediction probabilities
### of relapse or death for a patient as intermediate clinical events occur

# Example: patient $>40$ years old; with platelet recovery after 30 days, AGvHD after 80 days
    xlab="Prediction time (years)", ylab="Probability of relapse/death within 5 years")

### Simulation-based "calculation" of transition probabilities
### This is similar to mssample in mstate, but we cannot use that,
### because of the distinction between recent-intermediate event
### and intermediate event; functions are defined in
### "sample function definitions.r", which needs to be placed in the
### working directory.

source("sample function definitions.r")

### The code is given below, but the actual sampling command
### (Events <- Msample(sfM,M,tcond=0,c1,c2,c3)) is commented out.
### The main reason for this is that it takes a very long time.
### Unfortunately, I forgot to set a random seed when I started
### the simulations for the book, so exact reproduction is impossible,
### I'm afraid. The results of the original simulations were saved in
### text files "events20.txt", "events2040.txt", and "events40.txt".
### These are read in and used in the sequel. They also need to be
### placed in the working directory.

### Age <= 20
ndata <- data.frame(match=1, proph=1, year=1, agecl=1, R=0, recR=0, A=0, recA=0)
ndata$match <- factor(ndata$match, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL$match))
ndata$proph <- factor(ndata$proph, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL$proph))
ndata$year <- factor(ndata$year, levels=1:3, labels=levels(ALL$year))
ndata$agecl <- factor(ndata$agecl, levels=1:3, labels=levels(ALL$agecl))
sf1 <- survfit(c1, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf1 <- data.frame(time=sf1$time,surv=sf1$surv,Haz=-log(sf1$surv))
sf2 <- survfit(c2, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf2 <- data.frame(time=sf2$time,surv=sf2$surv,Haz=-log(sf2$surv))
sf3 <- survfit(c3, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf3 <- data.frame(time=sf3$time,surv=sf3$surv,Haz=-log(sf3$surv))

# Combine sf's into one
sf1$trans <- 1; sf2$trans <- 2; sf3$trans <- 3
sfM <- rbind(sf1,sf2,sf3)

# M <- 100000
# Events <- Msample(sfM,M,tcond=0,c1,c2,c3) # will not exactly reproduce book results
# write.table(Events,"events20.txt",sep="\t",append=TRUE,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE)

### Age 20-40
ndata <- data.frame(match=1, proph=1, year=1, agecl=2, R=0, recR=0, A=0, recA=0)
ndata$match <- factor(ndata$match, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL$match))
ndata$proph <- factor(ndata$proph, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL$proph))
ndata$year <- factor(ndata$year, levels=1:3, labels=levels(ALL$year))
ndata$agecl <- factor(ndata$agecl, levels=1:3, labels=levels(ALL$agecl))
sf1 <- survfit(c1, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf1 <- data.frame(time=sf1$time,surv=sf1$surv,Haz=-log(sf1$surv))
sf2 <- survfit(c2, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf2 <- data.frame(time=sf2$time,surv=sf2$surv,Haz=-log(sf2$surv))
sf3 <- survfit(c3, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf3 <- data.frame(time=sf3$time,surv=sf3$surv,Haz=-log(sf3$surv))

# Combine sf's into 
sf1$trans <- 1; sf2$trans <- 2; sf3$trans <- 3
sfM <- rbind(sf1,sf2,sf3)

# M <- 100000
# Events <- Msample(sfM,M,tcond=0,c1,c2,c3) # will not exactly reproduce book results
# write.table(Events,"events2040.txt",sep="\t",append=TRUE,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE)

### Age > 40
ndata <- data.frame(match=1, proph=1, year=1, agecl=3, R=0, recR=0, A=0, recA=0)
ndata$match <- factor(ndata$match, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL$match))
ndata$proph <- factor(ndata$proph, levels=1:2, labels=levels(ALL$proph))
ndata$year <- factor(ndata$year, levels=1:3, labels=levels(ALL$year))
ndata$agecl <- factor(ndata$agecl, levels=1:3, labels=levels(ALL$agecl))
sf1 <- survfit(c1, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf1 <- data.frame(time=sf1$time,surv=sf1$surv,Haz=-log(sf1$surv))
sf2 <- survfit(c2, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf2 <- data.frame(time=sf2$time,surv=sf2$surv,Haz=-log(sf2$surv))
sf3 <- survfit(c3, newdata=ndata, censor=FALSE)
sf3 <- data.frame(time=sf3$time,surv=sf3$surv,Haz=-log(sf3$surv))

# Combine sf's into 
sf1$trans <- 1; sf2$trans <- 2; sf3$trans <- 3
sfM <- rbind(sf1,sf2,sf3)

M <- 100000
# Events <- Msample(sfM,M,tcond=0,c1,c2,c3) # will not exactly reproduce book results
# write.table(Events,"events40.txt",sep="\t",append=TRUE,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE)

### Read in the results of the simulation
Ev20 <- read.table("events20.txt",sep="\t")
Ev2040 <- read.table("events2040.txt",sep="\t")
Ev40 <- read.table("events40.txt",sep="\t")

Ev <- Ev20
r20 <- matrix(NA,909,5)
r20[,5] <- 1
sseq <- seq(0,year,length=101)
nseq <- length(sseq)
# This is to monitor progress
m <- floor(log10(nseq)) + 1
pre <- rep("\b", 2 * m + 1)
for (i in 1:length(sseq)) {
  cat(pre, i, "/", nseq, sep = ""); flush.console()
  s <- sseq[i]
# deb(s, method="cat")
  wh <- which(Ev[,1]>s)
  whrecP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,1]>s-month & Ev[,2]==3 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s-month & Ev[,2]==3 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whrecA <- which(Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,1]>s-month & Ev[,2]==2 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whrecArecP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,1]>s-month & Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,3]>s-month &
    Ev[,2]>1 & Ev[,4]>1 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whrecAP <- which(Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,3]>s-month & Ev[,1]<=s-month &
    Ev[,2]==3 & Ev[,4]==2 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whA <- which(Ev[,1]<=s-month & Ev[,2]==2 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whArecP <- which(Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,3]>s-month & Ev[,1]<=s-month &
    Ev[,2]==2 & Ev[,4]==3 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whAP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s-month & Ev[,3]<=s-month &
    Ev[,2]>1 & Ev[,4]>1 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whout <- which((Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,2]==1) | (Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,4]==1) | (Ev[,5]<=s & Ev[,6]==1))
  Ev[,7] <- NA
  if (length(wh)>0) Ev[wh,7] <- 1
  if (length(whrecP)>0) Ev[whrecP,7] <- 2
  if (length(whP)>0) Ev[whP,7] <- 3
  if (length(whrecA)>0) Ev[whrecA,7] <- 4
  if (length(whrecArecP)>0) Ev[whrecArecP,7] <- 5
  if (length(whrecAP)>0) Ev[whrecAP,7] <- 6
  if (length(whA)>0) Ev[whA,7] <- 7
  if (length(whArecP)>0) Ev[whArecP,7] <- 8
  if (length(whAP)>0) Ev[whAP,7] <- 9
  if (length(whout)>0) Ev[whout,7] <- 0
# deb(table(Ev[,7],exclude=NULL))
  r20[(i-1)*9+1,4] <- length(wh)/M
  r20[(i-1)*9+2,4] <- length(whrecP)/M
  r20[(i-1)*9+3,4] <- length(whP)/M
  r20[(i-1)*9+4,4] <- length(whrecA)/M
  r20[(i-1)*9+5,4] <- length(whrecArecP)/M
  r20[(i-1)*9+6,4] <- length(whrecAP)/M
  r20[(i-1)*9+7,4] <- length(whA)/M
  r20[(i-1)*9+8,4] <- length(whArecP)/M
  r20[(i-1)*9+9,4] <- length(whAP)/M
  Fwv <- rep(NA,9)
  if (length(wh)>0) Fwv[1] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[wh,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecP)>0) Fwv[2] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whP)>0) Fwv[3] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecA)>0) Fwv[4] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecA,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecArecP)>0) Fwv[5] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecArecP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecAP)>0) Fwv[6] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecAP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whA)>0) Fwv[7] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whA,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whArecP)>0) Fwv[8] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whArecP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whAP)>0) Fwv[9] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whAP,1:6]),5*year+s)
# deb(Fwv)
  r20[(i-1)*9+(1:9),1] <- s
  r20[(i-1)*9+(1:9),2] <- 1:9
  r20[(i-1)*9+(1:9),3] <- Fwv

Ev <- Ev2040
r2040 <- matrix(NA,909,5)
r2040[,5] <- 2
sseq <- seq(0,year,length=101)
nseq <- length(sseq)
# This is to monitor progress
m <- floor(log10(nseq)) + 1
pre <- rep("\b", 2 * m + 1)
for (i in 1:length(sseq)) {
  cat(pre, i, "/", nseq, sep = ""); flush.console()
  s <- sseq[i]
# deb(s, method="cat")
  wh <- which(Ev[,1]>s)
  whrecP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,1]>s-month & Ev[,2]==3 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s-month & Ev[,2]==3 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whrecA <- which(Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,1]>s-month & Ev[,2]==2 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whrecArecP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,1]>s-month & Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,3]>s-month &
    Ev[,2]>1 & Ev[,4]>1 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whrecAP <- which(Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,3]>s-month & Ev[,1]<=s-month &
    Ev[,2]==3 & Ev[,4]==2 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whA <- which(Ev[,1]<=s-month & Ev[,2]==2 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whArecP <- which(Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,3]>s-month & Ev[,1]<=s-month &
    Ev[,2]==2 & Ev[,4]==3 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whAP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s-month & Ev[,3]<=s-month &
    Ev[,2]>1 & Ev[,4]>1 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whout <- which((Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,2]==1) | (Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,4]==1) | (Ev[,5]<=s & Ev[,6]==1))
  Ev[,7] <- NA
  if (length(wh)>0) Ev[wh,7] <- 1
  if (length(whrecP)>0) Ev[whrecP,7] <- 2
  if (length(whP)>0) Ev[whP,7] <- 3
  if (length(whrecA)>0) Ev[whrecA,7] <- 4
  if (length(whrecArecP)>0) Ev[whrecArecP,7] <- 5
  if (length(whrecAP)>0) Ev[whrecAP,7] <- 6
  if (length(whA)>0) Ev[whA,7] <- 7
  if (length(whArecP)>0) Ev[whArecP,7] <- 8
  if (length(whAP)>0) Ev[whAP,7] <- 9
  if (length(whout)>0) Ev[whout,7] <- 0
# deb(table(Ev[,7],exclude=NULL))
  r2040[(i-1)*9+1,4] <- length(wh)/M
  r2040[(i-1)*9+2,4] <- length(whrecP)/M
  r2040[(i-1)*9+3,4] <- length(whP)/M
  r2040[(i-1)*9+4,4] <- length(whrecA)/M
  r2040[(i-1)*9+5,4] <- length(whrecArecP)/M
  r2040[(i-1)*9+6,4] <- length(whrecAP)/M
  r2040[(i-1)*9+7,4] <- length(whA)/M
  r2040[(i-1)*9+8,4] <- length(whArecP)/M
  r2040[(i-1)*9+9,4] <- length(whAP)/M
  Fwv <- rep(NA,9)
  if (length(wh)>0) Fwv[1] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[wh,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecP)>0) Fwv[2] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whP)>0) Fwv[3] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecA)>0) Fwv[4] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecA,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecArecP)>0) Fwv[5] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecArecP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecAP)>0) Fwv[6] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecAP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whA)>0) Fwv[7] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whA,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whArecP)>0) Fwv[8] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whArecP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whAP)>0) Fwv[9] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whAP,1:6]),5*year+s)
# deb(Fwv)
  r2040[(i-1)*9+(1:9),1] <- s
  r2040[(i-1)*9+(1:9),2] <- 1:9
  r2040[(i-1)*9+(1:9),3] <- Fwv

Ev <- Ev40
r40 <- matrix(NA,909,5)
r40[,5] <- 3
sseq <- seq(0,year,length=101)
nseq <- length(sseq)
# This is to monitor progress
m <- floor(log10(nseq)) + 1
pre <- rep("\b", 2 * m + 1)
for (i in 1:length(sseq)) {
  cat(pre, i, "/", nseq, sep = ""); flush.console()
  s <- sseq[i]
# deb(s, method="cat")
  wh <- which(Ev[,1]>s)
  whrecP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,1]>s-month & Ev[,2]==3 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s-month & Ev[,2]==3 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whrecA <- which(Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,1]>s-month & Ev[,2]==2 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whrecArecP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,1]>s-month & Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,3]>s-month &
    Ev[,2]>1 & Ev[,4]>1 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whrecAP <- which(Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,3]>s-month & Ev[,1]<=s-month &
    Ev[,2]==3 & Ev[,4]==2 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whA <- which(Ev[,1]<=s-month & Ev[,2]==2 & Ev[,3]>s)
  whArecP <- which(Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,3]>s-month & Ev[,1]<=s-month &
    Ev[,2]==2 & Ev[,4]==3 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whAP <- which(Ev[,1]<=s-month & Ev[,3]<=s-month &
    Ev[,2]>1 & Ev[,4]>1 & Ev[,5]>s)
  whout <- which((Ev[,1]<=s & Ev[,2]==1) | (Ev[,3]<=s & Ev[,4]==1) | (Ev[,5]<=s & Ev[,6]==1))
  Ev[,7] <- NA
  if (length(wh)>0) Ev[wh,7] <- 1
  if (length(whrecP)>0) Ev[whrecP,7] <- 2
  if (length(whP)>0) Ev[whP,7] <- 3
  if (length(whrecA)>0) Ev[whrecA,7] <- 4
  if (length(whrecArecP)>0) Ev[whrecArecP,7] <- 5
  if (length(whrecAP)>0) Ev[whrecAP,7] <- 6
  if (length(whA)>0) Ev[whA,7] <- 7
  if (length(whArecP)>0) Ev[whArecP,7] <- 8
  if (length(whAP)>0) Ev[whAP,7] <- 9
  if (length(whout)>0) Ev[whout,7] <- 0
# deb(table(Ev[,7],exclude=NULL))
  r40[(i-1)*9+1,4] <- length(wh)/M
  r40[(i-1)*9+2,4] <- length(whrecP)/M
  r40[(i-1)*9+3,4] <- length(whP)/M
  r40[(i-1)*9+4,4] <- length(whrecA)/M
  r40[(i-1)*9+5,4] <- length(whrecArecP)/M
  r40[(i-1)*9+6,4] <- length(whrecAP)/M
  r40[(i-1)*9+7,4] <- length(whA)/M
  r40[(i-1)*9+8,4] <- length(whArecP)/M
  r40[(i-1)*9+9,4] <- length(whAP)/M
  Fwv <- rep(NA,9)
  if (length(wh)>0) Fwv[1] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[wh,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecP)>0) Fwv[2] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whP)>0) Fwv[3] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecA)>0) Fwv[4] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecA,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecArecP)>0) Fwv[5] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecArecP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whrecAP)>0) Fwv[6] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whrecAP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whA)>0) Fwv[7] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whA,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whArecP)>0) Fwv[8] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whArecP,1:6]),5*year+s)
  if (length(whAP)>0) Fwv[9] <- extractRFS(as.matrix(Ev[whAP,1:6]),5*year+s)
# deb(Fwv)
  r40[(i-1)*9+(1:9),1] <- s
  r40[(i-1)*9+(1:9),2] <- 1:9
  r40[(i-1)*9+(1:9),3] <- Fwv

r <- rbind(r20,r2040,r40)
r <- as.data.frame(r)
names(r) <- c("time","group","Fw","freq","age")
# This is to manipulate awkward plotting order of lattice plots
r$A <- 1
r$A[r$group>3] <- 2
r$A[r$group>6] <- 3
r$P <- 1
r$P[r$group %in% c(2,5,8)] <- 2
r$P[r$group %in% c(3,6,9)] <- 3
r$AP <- 3*(4-r$A) + r$P
r$AP <- factor(r$AP,
  labels=c("Past AGvHD, no PR","Past AGvHD, recent PR","Past AGvHD, past PR",
    "Recent AGvHD, no PR","Recent AGvHD, recent PR","Recent AGvHD, past PR",
    "No AGvHD, no PR","No AGvHD, recent PR","No AGvHD, past PR"))
r$age <- factor(r$age,labels=c("Age <= 20","Age 20-40","Age > 40"))
r$time <- r$time/year

key.age <- list(text = list(levels(r$age)),
    lines = list(lwd = 2, lty = 1:3, col = "black"))
xyplot(Fw ~ time | AP, data=r, groups=age, ylim=c(0,1), lwd=2, type="l", col=1, lty=1:3,
  xlab="Prediction time (years)",ylab="Probability of relapse or death", key=key.age)

key.age <- list(text = list(levels(r$age)),
    lines = list(lwd = 2, lty = 1:3, col = "black"))
xyplot(freq ~ time | AP, data=r, groups=age, ylim=c(0,1), lwd=2, type="l", col=1, lty=1:3,
  xlab="Prediction time (years)",ylab="Probability of relapse or death", key=key.age)