8  Dynamic predictions using biomarkers

This file contains R code for the analyses in Chapter 8 of the book Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis (CRC Chapman & Hall) by Hans C. van Houwelingen and Hein Putter

R code written by Hein Putter (H.Putter@lumc.nl for comments/questions) The dynpred package is available from CRAN

Consistency with the book has been checked with - R version 2.14.0 - survival version 2.36-10 - dynpred version 0.1.1

wbc <- merge(wbc1,wbc2,by="patnr")
names(wbc)[c(2,6)] <- c("survtime","wbctime")

### Table 8.1: Number of WBC measurements by year

wbc$year <- as.numeric(cut(wbc$wbctime,0:9))
for (i in 1:8) {
    wbcyeari <- wbc[wbc$year==i,]
    ni <- length(unique(wbcyeari$patnr))
    meani <- nrow(wbcyeari)/ni

### Figure 8.3: LWBC trajectories of all patients in the Benelux CML data

cols <- c(sequential_hcl(63),
  terrain_hcl(63, c = c(65, 0), l = c(45, 95), power = c(1/3, 1.5)),
  heat_hcl(64, c = c(80, 30), l = c(30, 90), power = c(1/5, 1.5)))

xyplot(lwbc ~ wbctime, group = patnr, data = wbc,
  xlab = "Time (years)", ylab = "WBC (transformed)", col = cols, type = "l")

### Prepare data for time-dependent Cox regression

## Overall survival
wbcos <- NULL
n <- length(unique(wbc$patnr))
for (i in 1:n) {
  wbci <- wbc[wbc$patnr==i,]
  ni <- nrow(wbci)
  wbci$Tstart <- wbci$wbctime
  wbci$Tstop <- c(wbci$Tstart[-1],wbci$survtime[1])
  wbci$status <- c(rep(0,nrow(wbci)-1),wbci$d[1])
  wbci$TEL <- 0
  wbci$TEL[ni] <- wbci$Tstop[ni] - wbci$Tstart[ni]
  wbcos <- rbind(wbcos,wbci)

## Failure-free survival
wbcffs <- NULL
n <- length(unique(wbc$patnr))
for (i in 1:n) {
  wbci <- wbc[wbc$patnr==i,]
  ni <- nrow(wbci)
  wbci$Tstart <- wbci$wbctime
  Stop <- min(wbci$survtime[1],wbci$Tstart[ni]+0.25)
  Status <- ifelse(wbci$survtime[1]<wbci$Tstart[ni]+0.25,wbci$d[1],2)
  wbci$Tstop <- c(wbci$Tstart[-1],Stop)
  wbci$status <- c(rep(0,nrow(wbci)-1),Status)
  wbci$TEL <- wbci$Tstop - wbci$Tstart
  wbcffs <- rbind(wbcffs,wbci)

### Table 8.2: Cross-tabulation of first event status and survival status

wbcffslast <- wbcffs[c(which(!duplicated(wbcffs$patnr))[-1]-1,nrow(wbcffs)),]

### Figure 8.2: Survival and censoring for failure-free survival in the
### Benelux CML data

CML.ffs <- survfit(Surv(Tstop, status>0) ~ 1, data = wbcffslast)
CML.cens <- survfit(Surv(Tstop, status==0) ~ 1, data = wbcffslast)

oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) # save graphical parameters
layout(matrix(1:2, 1, 2),widths=c(10.25,9))
par(mar= c(5, 4, 4, 0.1) + 0.1)
plot(CML.ffs, mark.time=FALSE, conf.int=FALSE, lwd=2,
  xlab = "Time (years)", ylab = "Probability")
title(main="Failure-free survival")
par(mar= c(5, 0.1, 4, 1) + 0.1)
plot(CML.cens, mark.time=FALSE, conf.int=FALSE, lwd=2,
  xlab = "Time (years)", ylab = " ", axes=FALSE)
par(oldpar) # reset graphical parameters

### Figure 8.4: Mean trajectories of LWBC in reverse time

# Prepare data
out <- wbcffslast$patnr[wbcffslast$status==0]
tmp <- wbcffs[!(wbcffs$patnr %in% out),c(1,6,7)]
tmp <- merge(tmp,wbcffslast[,c(1,9)],by="patnr",all.x=TRUE,all.y=FALSE)
names(tmp)[4] <- "ffstime"
tmp$revtime <- tmp$ffstime - tmp$wbctime
tmp$revtimecat <- cut(tmp$revtime,c(seq(0,7.5,by=0.25),Inf))
tmp$revtime2 <- (as.numeric(tmp$revtimecat)-1)*0.25

plotmeans(lwbc ~ revtime2, data=tmp, n.label=FALSE, sfrac=0.005,
  xlab="Years until failure", ylab="LWBC")

### Table 8.3: Time-dependent Cox regression for different endpoints

# Death
coxph(Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status==1) ~ sokal+I(age/10)+lwbc, data=wbcffs, method="breslow")
# Off-study
coxph(Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status==2) ~ sokal+I(age/10)+lwbc, data=wbcffs, method="breslow")
# Any event
coxph(Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status>0) ~ sokal+I(age/10)+lwbc, data=wbcffs, method="breslow")

### Table 8.4: Time-dependent Cox regression for overall survival

wbcos$wbctime <- wbcos$Tstart # make a copy of WBC measurement time
wbcos$status01 <- as.numeric(wbcos$status>0) # make a copy of WBC measurement time
tt <- wbcos$Tstop[wbcos$status01==1]
wbcos <- survSplit(wbcos,cut=tt,end="Tstop",start="Tstart",event="status01")
wbcos <- wbcos[order(wbcos$patnr,wbcos$Tstart),]
wbcos$TEL <- wbcos$Tstop - wbcos$wbctime
# old status variables have been copied, only last one can really be different from 0
wbcos$status[wbcos$status>0 & wbcos$status01==0] <- 0

coxph(Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status) ~ sokal+I(age/10)+lwbc, data=wbcos, method="breslow")
coxph(Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status) ~ sokal+I(age/10)+lwbc*TEL, data=wbcos, method="breslow")

### Prediction by landmark models

LMdata <- NULL
LMs <- seq(0.5,3.5,by=0.1)
for (LM in LMs) {
  LMdataLM <- cutLM(data=wbc,outcome=list(time="survtime",status="d"),
  # retain only patients on study (TEL(t)<=0.25)
  LMdataLM <- LMdataLM[LM - LMdataLM$wbctime <= 0.25,] # of wbctime?
  LMdataLM <- LMdataLM[!is.na(LMdataLM$patnr),]
  LMdata <- rbind(LMdata,LMdataLM)

### Table 8.5 Results of landmark analyses for the WBC counts;
### s runs from 0.5 to 3.5 with steps of 0.1; window width w=4

## Simple (ipl)
LMdata$Tstart <- LMdata$LM
LMsupercox0 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart,survtime,d) ~ sokal+I(age/10)+lwbc + strata(LM) + cluster(patnr), data=LMdata, method="breslow")

## Extended
tt <- sort(unique(LMdata$survtime[LMdata$d==1]))
LMdata2 <- survSplit(data=LMdata, cut=tt, end="survtime", start="Tstart", event="d")

LMdata2$lwbctmins <- LMdata2$lwbc*(LMdata2$survtime - LMdata2$LM)
LMdata2$lwbctmins2 <- LMdata2$lwbc*(LMdata2$survtime - LMdata2$LM)^2

# ipl
LMsupercox1 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart,survtime,d) ~ sokal+I(age/10)+lwbc+lwbctmins+lwbctmins2 + strata(LM) + cluster(patnr), data=LMdata2, method="breslow")

# ipl*
g1 <- function(t) (t/4)
g2 <- function(t) (t/4)^2

LMdata2$LM1 <- g1(LMdata2$LM)
LMdata2$LM2 <- g2(LMdata2$LM)

LMsupercox2 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart,survtime,d) ~ sokal+I(age/10)+lwbc+lwbctmins+lwbctmins2 + LM1 + LM2 + cluster(patnr), data=LMdata2, method="breslow")

### Figure 8.5: Time-varying effect of LWBC for the ipl and the ipl*
### models of Table 8.5

tseq <- seq(0,4,by=0.05)
    type="l",lwd=2,ylim=c(0,2.5),xlab="t-s",ylab="Log hazard ratio")
legend("topright",lwd=c(2,2,1),lty=1:3,c("Extended ipl","Extended ipl*","Simple ipl"),bty="n")

### Figure 8.6 Baseline hazard and landmark effects in proportional
### baselines landmark supermodel

means <- LMsupercox2$means

ndata <- data.frame(sokal=means[1],age=10*means[2],lwbc=0,lwbctmins=0,lwbctmins2=0,LM1=0,LM2=0)
sf2 <- survfit(LMsupercox2, newdata=ndata)
Haz0 <- data.frame(time=sf2$time,surv=sf2$surv); Haz0$Haz <- -log(Haz0$surv)

plot(Haz0$time, Haz0$Haz, type="s", lwd=2, xlab="Time (years)", ylab="Cumulative hazard")
plot(LMs, exp(LMsupercox2$coef[6]*g1(LMs) + LMsupercox2$coef[7]*g2(LMs)), type="l", lwd=2, xlab="Landmark (s)", ylab="exp(theta(s))")
par(oldpar) # reset graphical parameters

### Figure 8.7: Dynamic predictions of death within w = 4 years in the
### proportional baselines landmark supermodel for different trajectories
### of LWBC; basic refers to dynamic predictions in a Cox model not
### taking into account LWBC

w <- 4
tt <- wbc$survtime[wbc$d==1]
tt <- sort(unique(c(0,tt,tt-w)))
tt <- tt[tt>=0]
nt <- length(tt)

# Custom-made fuction
Fwpredict <- function(bet, Haz0, xdata, tt)
    nt <- length(tt)
    Haz0$haz <- diff(c(0,Haz0$Haz))
    Fw <- data.frame(time=tt,Fw=NA)
    for (i in 1:nt) {
        sfi <- Haz0 # local copy
        tti <- tt[i]
        sfi$haz <- sfi$haz *
          exp(bet[3]*xdata[i] + bet[4]*xdata[i]*(sfi$time-tti) + bet[5]*xdata[i]*(sfi$time-tti)^2
            + bet[6]*g1(tt[i]) + bet[7]*g2(tt[i]))
        sfi$Haz <- cumsum(sfi$haz)
        tmp <- evalstep(sfi$time,sfi$Haz,c(tti,tti+w),subst=0)
        Fw$Fw[i] <- 1-exp(-(tmp[2]-tmp[1]))

# First basic, not taking into account WBC measurements
cbas <- coxph(Surv(survtime,d) ~ sokal + I(age/10), data=wbcffslast, method="breslow")
sf <- survfit(cbas)
Fwbas <- Fwindow(sf,width=4)
Fwbas <- subset(Fwbas,time>=0.5)
Fwbas <- subset(Fwbas,time<3.5)

tt <- seq(0.5,3.5,by=0.005)
nt <- length(tt)
xdata <- rep(0,nt)
Fw0 <- Fwpredict(LMsupercox2$coef, Haz0, xdata, tt)
xdata <- rep(0.5,nt)
Fw1 <- Fwpredict(LMsupercox2$coef, Haz0, xdata, tt)
xdata <- tt/3.5
Fw2 <- Fwpredict(LMsupercox2$coef, Haz0, xdata, tt)

plot(tt,Fw0$Fw,type="l",lwd=2,ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Landmark point",ylab="Death probability")